We started back in 2013 as an idea over a lounge room coffee table to bring affordable quality equine products into NZ for every day kiwis ….. over the first 6 years Zeberdee Equine was a quiet little project rocking along with a small number of products ….. 2019 seen things change and Zeberdee Equine become a rapidly growing business with a product catalogue that is growing every season!

What does denier mean?
Denier is the strength of a fabric so the higher the denier the sturdier and more durable a fabric is….. so for example 600d covers are fine for those whose are super nice to a cover ….. whereas a horse that likes to have “hold my beer moments” may require a 1200d or a 1680d - the majority of our covers are 1200d this is the most commonly used denier making them a good all round denier for all types.
What’s better, a Detachable or a Combo?
This is purely a personal choice. Neither is better than other it’s just one is more versatile with the neck being able to be removed from a detachable on warmer days . What is the difference between weights ? A gram rating is at the end of the day the way we gauge the “warmth” of a cover… A NO FILL is your summer rain type …. A 50gram is your “it’s just that little bit colder “ type of cover we use on the sunny but still a chill winter days.
100g/200g/250g/300g/350g are your getting to the colder, wetter days covers…. Again though it’s an individual horse or pony requirement.
What's a Hybrid?
Well that’s easy … think of the cars …. It has both fuel and battery power options which come into play as you drive …..just like that out hybrids have two fabrics …. A 1200d or 1680d waterproof top with a mesh side panelling . This makes them that ultimate “I really have no idea what mother natures got in stall for me type of summer” cover!
They’ll handle rain and they handle heat without over covering so you don’t need to stress if your caught out either way.